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Bad Twin's Meanderings

2023-2024 Central Conference Bracket Predictions

Andre Welbon gives us his predictions on the Central

So, the Central Conference playoffs start this Sunday, July 7, 2024, at AMF Fredericksburg at 10am. The match ups are finalized and I sense a few possible upsets. Below are the match ups and my predictions. And remember if you do not agree with my opinions I do not care.

Match 1: #1 Impact vs. #16 Kryptonite – I have stated from the moment this match was confirmed that this could be the worse possible draw for Impact. Kryptonite has a history of beating #1 seeds and AMF Fredericksburg could be favorable for them. Of course, the claim has been it is Impact Season, but will it be a Blue Chew advertised one or premature? Handicap favors Impact via strength of bowlers, but the match ups are not as lopsided as one would guess. Impact wins 24 to 16.

Match 2: #2 High Powered vs. #15 Dynasty – This is another tricky match up. Dynasty is going to put a pretty stout scratch team together and they have some interesting handicap talent that knows how to use their handicap to its advantage. HP has got to be favored, but this will not be a run away match. HP wins 26 to 14.

Match 3: #3 Outrage vs. #14 Contract Killaz – Well, CK can scare Outrage if they come out with the same energy they had against Dynasty, but, by the numbers, they are fairly disadvantaged. Everyone knows what they will get against Outrage. The only variable is if CK can keep up. Not really seeing that happening. Outrage wins 28 to 12.

Match 4: #4 High Voltage vs. #13 Mutiny – Well, this match will be unique. Both teams will use a lot of scratch bowlers and I love the scratch pairs for both squads. The difference is that HV has a bit more diversity on their handicap pairs to go around. HV wins 26 to 14.

Match 5: #5 N.W.O. Wolfpack vs. #12 Fearless – This is my second favorite match of the First Round of playoffs in the Central Conference. Both teams rely on balance and experience but who will have the better performance? Fearless guts this one out, 24 to 16.

Match 6: #6 The Risen vs. #11 Framed 4 Murda – The Risen, despite all of their success, really has not faired well traveling North of Richmond from my experience. But, Joey and crew live for these moments. F4M must keep things close on scratch and hope their handicap brings their game because if they do not, Zack Tackett and friends are going to make it a very long day for them. The Risen win 24 to 16.

Match 7: #7 Hot Pockets vs. #10 Str8 Bizness Cartel – As I stated before, it is unfair that SBC is a 10 seed, well, really unfair for Hot Pockets. This is not to say that Hot Pockets cannot compete with SBC, but that everything points towards SBC’s favor in this match. Hot Pockets only hope is to get out to a big pin lead early and hope the pins continue to fall their way. Ultimately, SBC should win, 26 to 14. I do agree that 30 to 10 was a bit disrespectful.

Match 8: #8 DC Mafia vs. #9 Magna Carta – DCM and MC are pretty evenly matched by the numbers but DCM has more experience when it comes to the playoffs. MC will need to bring a lot of energy and their striking shoes, but they will still lose. DCM wins 26 to 14.


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