So, it was brought to my attention that my “Gone Fishin'” post was petty and possibly classless.
I want to apologize to all of those that were offended by said post because if they thought THAT was petty and classless, then this one will really be offensive.
Yes, there are 3 DMV UBA Franchises that are currently out of Playoff Contention, but there are 4 more Franchises next in line. The following will explain their end-of-season outlook. Please read and enjoy.
Next to hop on that boat…
1. Lethal Njection: At 150 points on the season and only 120 points remaining, LNJ is currently 86 points out of 4th place in the DMV South. They do face GBA in their next Stop at Waldorf, but with NCA at Woodbridge after that and a position round waiting at Dranesville, things are not looking very good for their playoff chances. Start grabbing some bait and tackle.
2. Dynasty: At 152 points on the season and only 120 points remaining, Dynasty is 84 points out of 4th place in the DMV South. Dynasty is actually in a worse position than Lethal Njection. They have Magna Carta in their next stop and Str8 Bizness Cartel after that in Woodbridge. Both MC and SBC are currently 2nd and 1st in the DMV South and are looking great on the season. Suffice to say, things do not look good for the once DMV South juggernaut. Start pulling out the good old fishing poles and get those lures ready.
3. NoVa Beastmode: At 162 points on the season and only 120 points remaining, Beastmode is 74 points out of 4th in the DMV South. Beastmode has DC Mafia in their next Stop, which does not bode well for them at Waldorf. They do get Infamous at Woodbridge in Tour Stop #12 prior to the Position Round, which could help their chances, but they would need somewhere between 70-76 points in the final two stops to even have an outside chance to get into the playoffs, which is not very likely to happen.
And speaking of Infamous, last but not least, the next in line for the boat is…
4. Infamous: At 173 points on the season and only 120 points remaining, Infamous is 63 points out of 4th in the DMV South. Infamous bowls CK at Waldorf, which is by no means a given, and faces NoVa Beastmode at Woodbridge in Tour Stop #12. Infamous needs to take at least 80-90 points out of the possible 120 points in their next 3 stops to have an outside chance for the Playoffs and hope for a collapse by everyone ahead of them, including DC Mafia. I just do not see that happening.
One could say I am picking on the DMV South, but I am just looking at the numbers. Killer Keglers is 58 out of 4th in the DMV North, but with 120 points remaining and 2 position rounds, they have a very realistic shot at the playoffs. No one, aside from Boardwalk Empire, in the DMV Central is more than 27 points out of 4th. With 120 points remaining and 2 position rounds left, everything is up for grabs in that District.