According to the Governor of NJ, the alleys will be open right before the 4th of July weekend. Some alleys are setting their own stipulations, because they don’t want to be closed down after they spent all of this time jut to be open. Here are some of the stipulations that are being talked about and / or enforced:
1. Alleys must be at 25% Capacity or less
2. There is an entrance and an exit
3. Though not mandatory, in some alleys there will be temperature checks
4. If you’re not in the bowling area, the mask must be worn at all times
5. Many bowling alleys are not allowing spectators. So you’re either in the alley to bowl or you’re not in the alley.
6. Many tournament are only accepting Paypal or registrations online to avoid touching cash. Most people who are touching tournament money need to be wearing gloves.
7. Violators will be escorted out of the alley
If this looks familiar, it’s because Delaware has already been implementing many of these stipulations. And while it goes without saying that everyone needs to be careful, I’ll say it again – everyone NEEDS to be careful. Because if we aren’t and a case explosion comes from a bowling alley, then there will be another shutdown that some alleys won’t be able to recover from.